Around the turn of the new year a website appeared that went largely unnoticed by most of the world, but was quickly thrown into a relatively small spotlight among fans of the Legend of Zelda game series. This was www.zelda2008.com, and though its intention was largely unknown, its purpose was entirely fulfilled without most ever knowing.
A few months ago, no more than a couple of weeks after its release, I had written what amounted to little more than an apology to fans who felt the site was meant to steal 15 minutes of fame by posing as an officially licensed project from Nintendo. Before long, I did away with the apology speech, and forgot about my creation, having lost the desire to explain my intentions. But with the recent creation of this blog, I suppose now would be the time.
I created Zelda2008.com with one goal: make people think. Unsatisfied with Twilight Princess and afraid of the traditional and ungroundbreaking approach the series has progressively taken since Ocarina of Time, I thought I would share my ideas with others. I've always had the idea of a truly realistic Zelda game. One could argue into the ground whether or not this would be the right direction for the series, but I'm glad that so many got as in-depth with that discussion as they did. So while I don't necessarily believe that the next Zelda game should be "gritty and realistic", I do believe that the possibilities are worth thinking about.
A few years ago, with 3D modeling being a hobby of mine, I made a fairly realistic 3D rendering of Link. Then to practice more inorganic modeling, I tinkered around with recreating other various environments from the series- the Temple of Time, Master Sword, etc. And yes, I used these to create the backgrounds for the Zelda 2008 website. The reaction to the art itself was surprisingly negative. But I should've seen that coming, as I too would be brutally railing on any art that was of less-than-groundbreaking quality that I felt was trying to pass itself off as "official Nintendo-quality work". People nailed everything from the "cheap looking Triforce" to the "amateur layout", even criticizing the fonts used. It was said that the site could've been designed by anyone with even beginner 3D and Photoshop skills. Well congratulations, you were all able to spot the difference between the quality of work befitting an official industry-shattering announcement from Nintendo and someone who threw together 4 year old half-finished renderings in 10 minutes.
I knew that the overwhelming majority of people would see it as some kind of announcement of a new Zelda title. And, in turn, I assumed that most would easily see that it was "fake" and see it only as "fan art". But while some did just that, most ripped it apart as a cry for attention by someone needlessly trying to stir up controversy by spreading lies. If there is one thing that I have always despised in regards to the internet, it is how easily people can spread rumors and intentionally give false information to better their own imaginary digital reputation. I simply wanted people to think, and after the third day the site was posted and after reading the feedback across all the forums, I almost felt as if I had to defend my work by continuing it. So as some already know, I kept it going, leaving more hints that only fans would truly get (for the record, the Hyrulian text in one of the graphics translates to "Experience the Challenge of Endless Adventure", a reference to the original NES game box that a couple people actually managed to translate and understand). But eventually, I stopped caring, for whatever reason. So I left it alone. And alone it has been, for a few months now.
Whatever your reaction, I hope it made you think. I'm glad people discussed the possibilities, even if they had been already talked about in the past. Personally I feel the series needs to change, as the traditional Zelda style, while it still "works", doesn't further the groundbreaking notion of "Zelda" that was established by the first NES game and Ocarina of Time. I feel Nintendo is more than capable of doing this, it will all come down to who makes the decision to actually do it.
Well this was a lesson in unintentional hilarity.
ReplyDeleteIf you do get an e-mail, kindly share it, as a lot of people would be interested to hear their take on this matter.
ReplyDeleteKeep it up. Maybe nintendo would get the hint.
ReplyDeleteI agree with your thoughts on the Zelda series.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I didn't think your art was bad at all - I was actually hoping it was real, haha.
But Miyamoto did say that Twilight Princess was the "last Zelda game of its kind," so maybe he agrees with you too. Hopefully, however, his idea doesn't include Miis.... :P
Realism is not always the best way but yes Zelda dos need to become darker.
ReplyDeleteIf there is one thing that I have always despised in regards to the internet, it is how easily people can spread rumors and intentionally give false information to better their own imaginary digital reputation.
ReplyDeletePot called, it wanted to remind you that you're still black.
Unfortunately "Dave" you greatly misunderstand, and I have a hard time believing you even bothered reading the rest. While it can be said that I did in fact spread false information and/or "rumor", it was not for the reason that I clearly stated I was in protest of. Next time read just a wee bit better.
ReplyDeleteThis is really interesting... I originally found this website because I was looking to see if any new zelda games would be coming out, and this is one of the searches that came up. Now, after reading this article, I am pretty amazed at why and how you made this. Also, the digital modeling involved in these pictures was very good, and I would know, seeing how I work with Autodesk Maya 8.5. Could you please tell me more about what you used and how you made these images? I am self teaching myself the ways of a digital animator.
ReplyDeleteI completely disagree. I really like the old school Legend of Zeldas and the new ones equally. I personally want the series to keep being like LoZ games. If Nintendo wants to make a realistic IP, then they should make a whole new one, but keep the LoZ games the same.
ReplyDeleteEddie, I completely understand that sentiment. Many people don't believe Zelda is about being "cutting-edge", but rather about being fun and enjoyable for all ages. I have to admit that Wind Waker wasn't the direction I had initially hoped for, but I had a blast with it. So while I don't think the series will turn "bad" if it stays the way it is, the fact is that it won't seem "fresh" or original anymore. Twilight Princess really pushed the envelope for a lot of fans in terms of it forcing them to play the exact same kind of game they've been playing for 15 years. I think the next game does need to update itself in some way, or at least evolve in storytelling. If they choose not to update the graphic style (which is fine), then they could instead elect to update the way the story is told (actual RPG-calibur character development, voice acting, cutscenes, etc). But there are some who would even argue against that.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, I can totally see pros and cons of all sides of the "which direction should the series take" debate, since I believe that they can make any approach "work" so long as they re-evaluate the gameplay and storytelling.
I completely agree with you, I'm a big fan of the Zelda series, but I was very disappointed with the lack of creativity and fresh ideas in Twilight Princess.
ReplyDeleteI think you did a pretty decent job with your pics and I liked the way you hid a message in your source.
Have you ever thought about making a fan game? I know lots of people would love that! Also that way you could make the game go the way you want. If your interested let me know and I can try to help you find people to help you get started.
I think Nintendo decided not to try anything new with the franchise. Since every time they do something different the fans seem to protest. Many fans disliked Majora's Mask's 3 day-cycle, and hated Wind Waker's cel-shaded graphics and emphasis on sailing. But I believe they made Twilight Princess because most fans wanted a game more like Ocarina of Time, and they still protested. There is no winning. I personally enjoy all of them, and I really like each of there unique properties. Twilight Princess is the only one that didn't really bring anything new to the table, but it seems thats what the fans thought they wanted. I suppose I do sort of want the next installment to be different, but I do not want them to stray too far from the ones that are already released. I feel like Majora's Mask was perfectly different. I just really don't want the next LoZ to feel like a different whole different franchise or genre. Thats what other IPs are for.
ReplyDeleteNintendo wouldn't care, not to mention they couldn't do anything aside from asking the website to list proper copyright information. They don't have the name "Zelda" copyrighten. As for your call for a "realistic" Zelda, need I remind you than Twilight Princess is as close as we've ever gotten to having a "realistic" Zelda game.
ReplyDeleteChad you are Brave person you had me believing for a while and i was hoping that you where secretly out sourced by Nintendo I've been here since you had that phrase up and would have liked to see if nintendo would come to your door and ask you to keep this up supplying you with real Concept art
ReplyDeleteHi Forerunner Digital since I am french I didn't get everything you said in this complicated english, but all I can tell is my feeling during all those months you updated this site a few time.
ReplyDeleteFirst, everybody thought it was fake, because of the special effects you put on the photoes. Personnaly, I find the photoes wonderful but it is real the special effect on them was not very professionnal. whatever, I was hoping you could have been an employee of Nintendo and you'd have made a site because you'd have had special informations about the game release and development. Unfortunately, you are not. But I thought about something else too:
"Maybe this guy is a Zelda fan and he wants to make people dream." I guess it is exactly what you made didn't you? Then you are excellent because we, Zelda fans, are always looking for news for the next zelda, and all we wanna do, while waiting or playing it, is dreaming. So now we know the truth, and my excitment didn't get down.
I began my text by "first" but I don't have "second" or "third" sorrry.
Now I see you were unsatisfied by TP, me not, but we agree on one point: the graphisms. For me they are excellent, on the wii now they could be a little bit better, but I love Link Tp and Zelda Tp. (I had a little cry when I saw her beauty, and for Link it's all I have ever imagined for an elfe)But unfortunately I heard Nintendo said new Zelda will have new graphisms. in this case or the other case, graphism is one thing (maybe 480p if possible by an update on the wii?) Nintendo listens english fans. (european I don't know) (lol) So all those people unsatisfied, could be heard like in the past with The wind waker style or the Tingle disparition. Now, I think your site could be one of the references about Zelda, (we type "zelda2008.com", don't we? and 2008 is a long year! Nintendo is still developing!) and your site could become a place Where To discuss about the next Zelda. A concentrated, in fact. And your site is populair. (known)
So now, I would like to exchange with you my impressions on my feelings about Zelda, and our ideas, all this publicly, And if you don't do this I will do it myself. I think Nintendo knows the existence of your site and we can be heard.
Contact me at this old adress: elfesylvain/at/caramail.com
I am interessed in your fan game cause I do to with gamestudio A7.
PS: I name the method to be heard by Nintendo the "positive parano" lol.
I had a lot of fun 'thinking' about your site, and I wonder... what are you going to do with it now?
ReplyDeleteIt was pretty obvious that it was not a nintendo-website, so it was not a teaser for the new game (shame though, it looked promising!) but for this to be just a thought-starter and nothing more... that would be realy disappointing!
In terms of The Legend of Zelda, Nintendo has done something amazing with the franchise which is keep it as linearly close to the same game as possible with little to no changes. Enter a dungeon, solve puzzles, kill boss, repeat. I'm not by any means putting nintendo or zelda games down I just wish they would take it in a new direction.
ReplyDeleteI was hopeful with Twilight Princess. Having reserved my copy a year and a half in advance (I'm not crazy I swear) I was expecting a game that would blow my mind and inspire me much like ICO and Shadow of the Colossus did when I first played them because that's how and what video games should do. Upon my let down with how what was slated as the greatest Zelda game ever did not surpass Ocarina of Time standards I quietly curled myself into a ball in the corner and wept...heavily.
Your website inspired hope. What I'm trying to get across is that maybe now Nintendo will see that fans want something new...something different. It's bad enough companies are mergeing left and right giving us the same FPS here or the same sports game there. Thinking outside the box is what should attract the hardcore gamers.
In regards to your site I did check it regularly and believe I saw an article about it on kotaku.com. I was inspired by what you did and how your one website got me to think about what if they truly did make a realistic Zelda game. No turning into a wolf, no excessive sailing or using masks to transform into different people, but making the game look as realistic as possible. All in all I think it would be a great success, so thank you for just throwing the idea out there and breaking away from the norm.
I thought the Zelda2008 was made very well, and I would love to see more like it, (especially the Link model). Just wanted to say that even though the hosting thing gave away that it wasn't nintendo, it did make many people think about how the next Zelda game would be. And it seems that you are very good at what you do.
ReplyDeleteI stumbled across it and thought it was very well made. Posted it up on a forum I go on (Topic: http://forums.noe-version-2.com/index.php?showtopic=2961) and we all had a good chat about it
ReplyDeleteEven back then, quote me on November 25th - "Interesting though.
Even if it isn't real, its been made for a reason."
So well done.
Thank you all for the feedback thus far. "Fox", I'm with you on that one. After playing Shadow of Colossus, the sheer scale and visual drama of boss battles raised the bar for me, and I was really hoping there would at least be one or two moments of that kind of epic-ness in TP... but I never got it.
ReplyDeleteSome feel as though the series is exactly what it should be, and shouldn't try to be anything more. Then there are those such as myself, who grew up with the buzz of the next Zelda game coming to be the greatest gift to gaming. The hype around whatever new major Zelda game release was immeasurable, and it always delivered. The games have cut such a deep mark in the history books that it's EXPECTED for them to approach perfection. That's why I, and a lot of others, have been so proud to be fans of the series, because it was (and still could be) the greatest series of all time. But the "magic" surrounding the series faded just a bit with Wind Waker (though I still love it to death), and really took a beating with Twilight Princess. Some are satisfied with this, but others like myself are not.
The cause of this is not necessarily Nintendo, but gaming itself. Gaming has evolved. Combat, storytelling, soundtracks, graphics- the higher the standards become, the more difficult it is for Zelda to feel original. I know that Nintendo isn't trying to "out-do" any other game with Zelda, they're trying to stick to their philosophy of being able to make a timeless game that focuses on gameplay and the fun-factor and is playable for all ages. And I respect that, believe me. But they're going to start losing people. For Twilight Princess, a lot of fans would've been satisfied with just an updated Ocarina of Time. But TP is not even that by any means. The story is just a spinoff, there's absolutely no "wonder" to the plot as there was in OoT, and their big chance to make Ganon something more epic than a mindless tacked-on bad guy went completely unnoticed.
I could go on and on with the problems of TP, but the bottom line is that it does nothing for the series, much less gaming as a whole. I was one of the first people to play TP at E3 a couple years ago, and even then, once I got over the fact that I had just played the next Zelda game before it had even been released, I quickly realized that I didn't play anything new or exciting, as I had felt when playing every other major game in the series to date.
I like the idea of turning the Zelda2008 site into a forum of some sort, but in all honestly I'm pretty lazy to do something like that, lol. Not sure how much demand there would be for it anyway, there's only so much you can discuss when it comes to this. But then again, it would be a good source of inspiration to Nintendo, although I'm quite sure the next Wii-exclusive Zelda game is too far along in development for them to take notice at this point. Oh well.
And yes, I knew that there would be plenty to give away the fact that this site wasn't from Nintendo. I knew the first thing most would do is check domain registration info, and they did. I knew people would dig deep into the source code for the site and pick it apart, which they did. Believe me, if I wanted to make it seem truly "authentic", I could've done so. But that wasn't my intention of course.
Anyway, keep up the good comments.
I thought that your site was correct about Zelda needing to improve its realisticness, but I also believe that it should change its game play as well.
ReplyDeleteI mean, ever since Ocarina of Time, Nintendo has kept selling us the same game! I have always loved the Zelda series and would hate to see it come crashing down.
Personally, after seeing how poorly Twilight Princess and Phantom Hourglass were made, I believe even I could design a better Zelda game than Nintendo.
Then do!
ReplyDeleteI just have 1 quick comment. You guys know of how at E3 Nintendo will unveil something big, they said it will be released at the end of this year. Maybe that big something will be a new Zelda game.
ReplyDeleteP.S. The truth is frightening, life is a puzzle. Under the sun, is a weary soul. Just walk down the moon, to see all that sings.
Whoa now, voice acting? I've got to say, I'm a long time fan of the Zelda series, started with LoZ and yes, I liked MM and the GB games. In my own oppinion, part of the mystique of Zelda is that it has no voice acting. And please don't give me any crap about the "Uhhh..."'s, "Heyah!"'s and "AAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!"'s, I realize that's voice acting. I've considered the possibility that all of the other characters could be voice acted besides Link and I think that's the best of the voice acting ideas I've heard. Then you'd still pick your diologe in a text box, and I'm cool with that. I'm sure you all remember the lovely voice acting for our three favorite Zelda games http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=imlyVV0yYKo
ReplyDeleteAh yes, we all loved Faces of Evil. Please, I beg you, no voice acting, please?!? The game is great without it. Like SSB, some people think they should make the series 3D, well it'd be a cool idea, but it wouldn't be SSB anymore. It'd be like, Mortal Smash Kombat Brothers. Anyway, that's my two and a half cents.
It's all about standards. And voice acting is becoming more and more the "standard", that's just the way it is. I enjoy the occasional grunts and sound-event based "voice acting" in current Zelda games; I thought it was a great addition to Wind Waker, and I figured they wouldn't change it much with TP, so I don't fault it for that. The whole "Link never speaks" thing worked before, but, like everything else, standards are catching up to it. Everything's becoming more cinematic, more developed, more film-like in presentation. Until now, you could get away with using the excuse of "Having Link never speak leaves more to the imagination and lets the player envision their own experience, kind of like reading a book", but times have changed, and now Link just ends up being a hollow, cardboard cutout character with no sense of purpose other than "save your friends( and the world while you're at it)".
ReplyDeleteI'm not for or against any particular form of "evolution" for the series, whether it be graphics, voice-acting, cutscenes, etc. Because I think it's very easy for them to keep certain aspects and only tweak a few. If no voice acting, then maybe some sort of narration. Maybe someone is telling the story, and narrating as though the game events were chapters in a book. Yeah it's been done, but it would at least evolve the storytelling a little. Add upgradable weapons or something, not just "Complete random quest A to randomly receive the ability to hold more bombs".
You can't say that simply evolving the series would automatically make it "no longer a Zelda game". No one's saying they should turn it into Metal Gear Solid. But games MUST evolve, history will show that. I dare anyone out there to make a case that TP was anything you haven't played before; it wasn't, and simply adding a new gimic and a spinoff-story isn't going to work anymore. That's all there is to it.
Upgradable weapons is a good idea. But I don't mind if there is voice acting or not, Zelda games never had it and it's not a problem. I liked a lot the "writing" style of a link to the past. Everything is in the mind. Zelda doesn't have to be like other games, it's a style apart.
ReplyDeleteBut if the next have voices, then I hope the dialogs will be well-played . Ha ha ha!
But what do you think about level difficulty? I think that for fans this game begins to be a little bit easy, but if Nintendo put more originality in the fights (new ways to beat the bosses) and in the enigms, I and maybe a lot of people would enjoy!
Anyway I heard Aonuma-san saying Resident evil 4 was similar in a lot of points with the game we're talking about, but one thing is principaly different: when we finish a Zelda, there is no save after and no way to begin again differently the adventure. Even Okami and Zelda 1 made it. I miss it.
PS. for example: Remember separate ways, or mercenaries mode? and the cutscenes in professional mode we didn't see in easy mode? THAT'S what I'm waiting for.
If you do get an e-mail, kindly share it, as a lot of people would be interested to hear their take on this matter.
I just have a quick question...
ReplyDeleteWhat was so wrong about Twilight Princess? It was the first Zelda game I ever played and I think the whole thing is awesome, the game seemed absolutely perfect, so what were the problems with it?
Bye the way - my comment on the whole voice acting thing...
ReplyDeleteNintendo did try to add in some voice acting in Twilight Princess as seen with Midna. Even though she was not really "talking", she was speaking with a sort of "dialogue". That is unlike anything else in the series. Maybe that is Nintendo's way of trying to get some voice acting in to make the game more standard. That is just my opinion.
The fact that it was your first Zelda game ever explains everything. What you missed out on (meaning the half dozen previous Zelda titles) was exactly the same formula that you played in TP. Just because there isn't anything necessarily "wrong" with a game doesn't make it great. It's not that it was bad, it just did nothing for the series, much less gaming as a whole (which, regardless of what Nintendo claims, should be the goal of EVERY game). If TP was anyone's first Zelda game, they probably thought it was great. As far as the "voice acting" goes, sure Midna was somewhat close to it, and that's fine. But it's not like it was a "huge revolutionary leap"; it just seemed like they did it to please the people asking for voice acting. For me, someone who grew up playing the series, it just seemed like a halfhearted effort, and I know I'm not alone.
ReplyDeleteIf you were alone, then you are not anymore 'cause I must admit your thinking is very logic: To have a Midna's voice is very nice. Then why not for others characters, even in yoghourt? (yaourt in french means an uninctellectible language. Like I amaze to speack sometimes).
ReplyDeleteAnyway my sincere hope is to see people who are unsatisfied by Twilight princess to become satisfied by the next one, Then if you unsatisfied become happy, Me already happy wonder what supreme feeling I will have... or just see my happyness still present.
Cause I can tell you I begin a lot of time again this game and each time I discover something new. It's that... sorry to tell that, but the artistic and graphic way of OOT didn't seduce me so much in 1998. (Polygons). (Maybe it was the best for this period, but I expected more like today I think a game doesn't need HD to have good graphisms. A Wii is enough). 10 years ago I forgot my game in a range. Now I play it with pleasure, but if Nintendo don't make cell shading for the next, I will be convinced that Tp, my favourite Zelda game will have his emotionnal successor.
I agree the serie needs something new, but I am happy of what I have. On Gamecube : the best! Me, satisfied, fan since the "game and watch" hours, if I have one critic it is the difficulty level. As I don't know how much people think like me, I ask the question:
Please answer me. And sorry to write a romance each time.
Do you think new Zelda games are too easy?
That is very true. as good as the Zelda games are, they really need a good do over as to make the mbetter then the could be (whaterver that means)
ReplyDeleteI really loved what you did here, and mostly agree with you. After I originally played TP, I was left amazed and very happy. Upon further reflection and looking at OOT and WW, I found them to be pretty much the same. Link seemed to good to be true in this installment, in the next game I would like it to be a tad more real. On graphics, Nintendo has done better, but it is better than cartoons, or dare I say...polygons. (*twitch*) Despite the let downs and disappointments, the Zelda series are good games, and I love them to death, but I was just expecting a little more.
ReplyDeleteJust a note on Phantom hourglass... that was HUGE letdown. I expected way more from the Zelda series.
I fully agree. Twilight Princess was my favorite game of all time, but all the same, the series needs a change. The next Zelda should be darker, deeper, more mature and the formula should be changed quite a bit. When I say it should be more mature that doesn't mean there should be more blood, I just mean a more mature story line and hopefully realistic graphics and environments like in your renderings. I'm praying to God that the next Zelda game is an actual game and not an interactive cartoon like Wind Waker.
ReplyDeleteMaya_Animation, the fans of Zelda have split into two different categories, those who stick with the old way, and those who want something fresh and new. I myself love how they stick with old ideas and keep them wonderful.
ReplyDeleteAbout how they should make it darker, they already started with that in Twilight Princess, but unfortunately, knowing Nintendo, that's the darkest they will get, because of there family friendly policies and what nots. But who knows, time changes people and companies.
As for the games themselves being repetitive that is just a superficial remark made by those who don't look deeper into the game. Look carefully, there different! Just because it doesn't do what Final Fantasy does and change after each game, doesn't make it a repetitive game.
I understand completely with what you mean by wanting to make the game more realistic... but just think about it; how much more realistic can Nintendo get? First of all if Nintendo changes the way the graphics look too much, fans will complain it is too "new" (I know I will since I loved TP so much and I wouldn't want it to change too much). Also the games are kind of supposed to take on an "unrealistic" air... Just think about it - a realistic Zelda game? It may ruin the magic of the series if it gets more realistic - but that is just my opinion. Nintendo is caught up with this series; if they change it too much, conservative fans will complain. If they keep it the same as before, well, we all know how that turned out with TP.
ReplyDeleteExactly, look at what happened to Wind Waker, it was frowned down apon because they changed the look of the game, yet the feel was the same.
ReplyDeleteForerunner digital, I have no complaints on anything about your website. What you have done was a brave and remarkable thing. All Zelda fans deserve their word. Your intentions were correct. However, even though they are great, fresh ideas, I do not agree with your concepts. Hopefully you understand.
I agree with you. This whole concept is a good way to open our minds and try something new. Unfortunately, there are many things that stand in the way of Nintendo doing what you said to do, but it would be a nice change to think outside the box. To think figuratively, lets say the Zelda series is like chocolate. (everyone likes chocolate, right?) While some fans would like to have the stronger, richer dark chocolate, the general public would think it was too bitter and would prefer the old milk chocolate. If you're looking for the 65% cacao, this is not the place to look. In other words; the people are getting in the way of the other people.
ReplyDelete(Hope you liked my simile)
(btw, I'm borrowing your simile :D )
ReplyDeleteYes I understand, but maybe there is some way to please both crowds. While some people like the milk chocolate and some like bitter chocolate, perhaps you can have an assortment of chocolates? If they could do something like that then it would not only be amazing, but will rise Nintendo back up to a great position.
ReplyDeletedude props to you. i had been checking back to this site every few weeks. Im glad this is what it ended up being. I agree that a more realistic approach may be a better direction for the series. As well as a darker feel to it that the Twilight Princess had at times.
ReplyDeletehowever i do fear what miyamoto said about that being the last Zelda game of its kind.
keep it up.
I wonder if finally you make me think more with this explantion and your feelings than with this very empty website page.
ReplyDeleteI don't mean that was futile, but according to you, was it the best way to end up like this? To notice this possibility of a new Zelda game made people imagine, not think... for the most. You transformed the purpose, imagination was replaced by thinking on a critism (I don't mean bad or positive one, obviously, that's not the point).
To change your speech from free imaginative topic to a though and brillant discussion makes me think your targets are teenagers or even kids, showing them a way of thinking... I'd say it might be a complex, but it's not the point and I really don't want you to feel offensed.
Through, your ideas -in the text like in the whole concept- are smart, I would like to greet you for the performance, even if it could be consired as a shy one.
You still want a "realistic" Zelda game? Apparently you dont appreciate what Wind Waker did. The emotion that spewd from each character was great, and worthy of praise from True Zelda fans. It helped to emerse people into the game, and to enhance the experience each player would feel.
I have to be honest...I dont believe you all to be real Zelda fans. You just sound like...I dunno, a bunch of whiny Halo-lovers who want all games to be realistic and bloody. I'll bet you all would drool over a Zelda game that involved shooting things with guns.
See, this is why I stick to GOOD sites like Zelda Universe.
You'll notice how most TRUE Zelda fans dont want some realistic Zelda. We care less about looks I suppose.
By the way, I was wandering around the internet when I found this. Sad...
Also, I'm suprise to see that some of you believe there is a "split" between the Zelda community. The only split I know of is the Split Timeline. XD
ReplyDeleteAnyways, being from a Zelda fan site, I can tell you that there is no split between the Zelda community. There are differences in opinion, but that's it. It's not split neatly down the middle, with "Old school fans and new fans."
One more thing: We know the next Zelda wouln't be reveiled this soon. The ealiest it would happen is at this upcoming E3.
Okay, ONE more thing...
ReplyDeleteJoin Zelda Universe.
- The one and only,
Twilight Kitty(God of Twilight/GoT/Sunset/King Kitty/KK/TK/Milk)
STFU up dude your rather annoying not posting one not two but THREEE long comments if you can't complete a single thought in one comment DON'T comment at all
ReplyDeleteTwilight Princess was originally made for the gamecube and was a last second add on for the Wii they just gave you the option to have it in 480p and wide screen but because of the graphical abilities of the Wii only being a natural step up from the gamecube(the most powerful GPU and CPU of the last generation consoles, and a natural step is when usually the games look like the last generation but slowly start to bridge a gap and are totally different) instead of a giant leap like to the other two consoles, go it couldn't have that more realistic link in my opinion for the N64 Zelda fans it's the prefect game after the let down that you see as wind waker but the absolute game that will FOREVER IMO be the ultimate Zelda is, Link To the Past, No matter how much I loved the song of storms and the N64 Poes(I use the Nickname Poe all the time and name all my link's Poe).
This upcoming E3 game will probably be one of three things two are highly likely two are kind out there but alittle likely, New Zelda for sure that departs from what we know of Zelda, New Kid Icarus game featuring the bad ass pit from brawl(Nintendo said it was in the works), A New IP all together(this is the long shot but still possible), MOTHER 1 ,2(we know 2 as earthbound) and 3 all come to the states or mother 4 for wii (HUGE long shot but still possible)
and because I hate all that stupid facts that you just threw out "Noob of Twilight" that I'm saying this right here and now
ReplyDeleteIf your a fan of realistic adult link Zelda's your still a fan of Zelda
if your a fan of the old games(beside phillups disc) and new your still a fan of Zelda
if you liked just the old games and wind waker and phantom hour glass out of the newer games your still a fan of Zelda
if your a adult link fan you considered a soft core fan
if you like all or over 80% of them your a hard core fan
if you are only digging the old zeldas and the wind waker zeldas your a retrocore fan
In other words theres different kinds of fans not just "true fans" because no two fans can agree on every single element of zelda they like, It's just the way the world work. and don't you ever use the name of Lord Ganon as your name to push your ideals "God of Twilight"
I just found this april fools joke
Yes, most people realize TP was originally made as a GC game, therefore not a true Wii game. That's why many speculate that a "true" Wii Zelda game is either being developed or will.
ReplyDeleteIsaiah, I'm still suprised to see people complaining over WW's looks. You called it "the let down that you see as wind waker," when yet it is one of the most loved Zelda games. If you're gonna talk about let downs...talk about AoL.
I'll say it again: WW's cel-shading art style brough great emotions to the game, and helped the player connect to what was going on. It brought the world to life, and only served to enhance the overall performance. I dont see it as a let down all all.
Also..."Lord Ganon?" My name is God of Twilight...or Twilight Kitty. Nothing like "Lord Ganon."
- You're one and only Twilight Kitty
I think here is a good way to summarize what we have been trying to say in the last couple of posts. There is no definite line between a true fan and a.. uh.. not true fan. (Sorry to go back to my chocolate simile, but it really worked), When holy-archangel suggested an assortment of chocolate types (meaning a assortment of new and old parts in a game) it is not as simple as that. People are still going to just eat their favorite chocolates and throw the rest away with the box. It's unfortunate, but that is the way things work.
ReplyDeleteNormally I leave posts like "god of twilight's" alone, but it was so laughable I honestly thought it was an April Fool's joke.
ReplyDeleteIt's painfully obvious that you did infact "wander" upon this site, since you clearly didn't take two minutes to actually, you know, read. I can't speak for everyone, but I've seen a good amount of praise and at the very least, respect, for all angles the series has taken. I believe I've stated more than once that I fully appreciated Wind Waker, and that the reason I felt the greatness of the series "slipped" with its release had nothing to do with the graphics or art style. You seem to have a lot of anger built up, are you sure you didn't just come from "pwning n00bs" on Halo yourself?
It seems you enjoy jumping into something and playing the role of the "voice of reason", but I'm afraid you came away looking fairly ridiculous. You see, I'm sure there are plenty of people who fit the type that you were trying to label some here as. Maybe a few posts would lead you in that direction, so I can see where you may have been misguided there. But if you had bothered using that little brain, you'd realize that most of what's been said so far here has indeed been constructive. I guess you being shelled up in your little "internet fan community" has narrowed your view of what the actual "big picture" is as far as views on the series go, as there are many more opinions and perspectives out there than those who sign up for an internet forum, create signatures and avatars, and discuss their "favorite [insert Zelda game here] moments".
Just because it's not happening on your little website (which, given the benefit of the doubt, I assume is a great site despite the laughable way you've represented yourself), doesn't mean that everything else is "lol we want blood and bad language and gears of war graphics". If I came across people with that view, then sure, I'd probably be as vocal as you've been about it, because you're right, the series should be appreciated for what it's done, not for what it hasn't. But next time you decide to run your mouth, make sure you've got an actual purpose, otherwise you end up just wasting a good bit of space.
There IS a "split", you're just too curled up in your fan-loving corner to see it. I'm speaking from a gaming perspective, not just as a fan. No one ever said this "split" was the "legion of fans angrily divided for no reason" that you try to paint it as, but simply casual opinions. If you had to break it down into two categories, you would have the two types of fans that have already been discussed. Those who feel the series is in desperate need of change don't automatically fall into a "omg i'm not playing this if the graphics still look cartoony" section. The same gaming reviewers, editors, and fans that appreciated entries like Wind Waker and MM, are the same people that gave Twilight Princess "Ok" reviews. They're the same people who say that yes, the formula needs to change. So you're saying that everyone in a Zelda fansite says that they absolutely love the games and the enjoy series just the way it is? Wow, I never saw that coming! Please...
Isaiah, I knew it would only be a matter of time before someone pointed that out. I'm pretty amazed that IGN went to such lengths to pull that off, but I respect the way they did it, which is clearly presenting it as an April Fool's joke (even if there ARE people who weren't completely expecting it, they added the "Coming April 1st, 2009" to clue them in). I was actually surprised that the effects were decent for an April Fool's joke or even for anything fan made. But by "effects", I really just mean the dabbles of CGI, as the rest looked terribly amateurish (those costumes and makeup were a joke, I mean come on), but I can't be hard on it because people could say ten times worse about my art for Zelda2008. The title presentations were also well done, and because I've worked on those parts of films before, I can tell the difference between someone using LiveType on a Mac and actual quality work. It's something any college student could've shot in 1 day as far as the footage goes, but for an April Fool's joke (and fan work in general) it was pretty top knotch. Not exactly as epic as I'd like to see a Zelda movie, but they at least had the right idea.
ReplyDeleteForerunner Digital, I know this may be off topic but I was just wondering because I was interested...
ReplyDeleteWhat sort of things have you worked on before as far as the movie industry and CGI industry. You seem to know a great deal and I respect that - I want to work in those fields in the future. (By the way I agree with what you are saying, I hope I didn't come out the wrong way with my posts)
Hi! I just found this site today. I am a fan of every (yes every... and when I say every I mean without the CD-i) Zelda game. Twilight Princess was awesome. Phantom Hourglass was awesome. Even Zelda II had its moments. I myself (forgive me for keeping the chocolate metaphor alive) like both milk chocolate and dark chocolate, both Wind Waker and Twilight Princess. Sorry for separating maya_animator's question and its eventual answer by the way.
ReplyDeleteawsome I thout it was going to be a fan made film of fanmade game but it really made us think
ReplyDeleteGod of Twilight: please stop trolling I agree when you say there is no split between Zelda fans only opinion differences, but don't tell "Who doesn't like The Wind waker is not a real Zelda fan". I must tell you I AM a Zelda fan, and when I finished TWW, in 2003, I did'nt feel like *I had finished a Zelda game* just a cartoon. This f**king caroon style, anyone can appreciate it at its real valor, and then I can conclude to answer you (and then Agree again with you) that Phantom Hourglass in DS has Terrific graphics. Now I can continue reading posts since my last one. I already ask everybody to please excuse myself for the double post upcoming. Thx. (Sounds like thx)
ReplyDeleteIsaiah: lol Poe. Great analyse of a Zelda fan, at the opposite of this (maybe immature and too much young) "God of twilight" or "Hellokitty") Pleaaaase! donot tell "devil"!
ReplyDeleteYou (Isaiah) learnt me a word: "retrocore fan". I think I am a hardcore and retrocore Zelda fan also. Remember nes and snes? I know one who is too young or maybe too stupid to cannot be able to use a single nick name or too doom to remember if he (she) played it. (sorry for "trolling" it was stronger than me).
ReplyDeleteOh people please...
I apologize for my rude and immature tone the other week.
Now...is it really smart to "get me back" by insulting the name I choose to go by? I'd say it's just as immature as what I did before(maybe even moreso).
Forerunner Digital, I suppose you might be right. But in my experience, I've never known about a split within the Zelda community, which is why I was almost shocked to see there was one.(I understand it's not a clear cut split)
I actually did a poll on my site, and to my suprise 58/64 people who participated knew nothing of such a split(most of those people had been involved with Zelda since it's first generation.)
Perhaps it just depends on how you look at it.
Many veteran Zelda players I've seen dont see a real difference of opinion. Sure, everyone wants something slightly different for the Zelda series, but overall we want the same things.
I guess the reason many people dont see a split is because of this: We love Zelda the way it is. We can't help it. At the same time, we know it's getting old: How many times is Ganondorf going to come back, and Link must use the Master Sword to defeat/seal him?
That's why internally, we know we NEED a change.
While some people might lean one way or the other, they generally feel both sides. They love the nostalgia that naturally comes with reoccuring characters, settings, and plots. Yet, we eagerly await something new and exciting.
Again, I apologize for my ealier actions. But please...there was no need for childish intults(not you specifically)
- On a side note: At least my name shows some originality.
Hello Kitty. Huh sorry... "Hello Twilight Kitty". :) You are apologized for your immature reactions cause you say in your new message: "I guess the reason many people dont see a split is because of this: We love Zelda the way it is". It is your opinion, but it is a Fan opinion (and I respect it), passionate one then it sounds very logical and not doom at all. Then I am the one who tells you sorry if I have been a little hard. (But would'nt you smile if you red "Hello Kitty" if I called you by your "last name"?) Your pseudo is not unoriginal, and makes me think about a friend of mine. (Twilink). (Hi Twilink. Why don't you post here? YOU THINK YOU WILL TROLL? Lol)
ReplyDeleteQuestion 1: I would like to ask you english and americans if "to troll" means the same thing than in french: so "to post a message against one or the other just for the pleasure of offensing, mostly Nintendo Sony or Microsoft, or against somebody who candidly posted before beeing enough brave to have a (wrong or arythmetically deduced-wright) opinion". Is it that?
Then I donot have the faculty today to synthesize all what having been said, just I'm a kind of elfe (forest elfe) who has a non positive and light animosity versus trolls, the ones we beat in Twilight Princess!
Question 2: And why Link is a "human" in the french text? -> Midna says when we are in wolf: "do you want to become a human"? Link is an elfe as I know!
Is it the same in english text? I don't know.
Then Twilight kitty I respect you as much as regularly posters here and don't take it as an offense if I heve been on the dark side of the force this time. It's not always so obvious to stay always positive and happy.
I am sad my precedent question, "Is Twilight Princess too easy for you" didn't find any echoe from Forerunner Digital, so you know what you gonna do if you want an elfe to be reflected in your eyes and then this elfe to feel accomplished for a work: asking Aonuma to put a harder level of difficulty in the next Wii Zelda, maybe a choice beetween "Adventure mode" and "Heroe Mode", beetween "-Casual- Gamer one, and "-Hardcore Link Retro fan Gamer-" one. Is it a good Idea?
I am sad too (the I will cry lol) That only one person have posted since a few days.
An Idea: I will buy a domain name and try to make a site dedicated in french and english with a link in the direction of your's! But I have a problem: I don't have Macromedia Dreamweaver and my free Microsoft Visual studio express 2008 is in asp.net and I don't know how to publish a site in asp.net with the "Win Pack Pro Performance" (the third) of 1and1. ... If somebody could help me or maybe tell me a free website creator with a html code editor, thank you.
Bye bye, O creations of the immense power of imagination of Din Nayru and Farore. Will meet another day.
PS: I use filezilla.
ReplyDeleteWow! Paul I AGREE! everything you said about a new Zelda is just perfect.
ReplyDeleteYou see I read all this and am still not so much bored as you say. A poster on forerunner digital's weblog is a great Zelda fan if he writes a romance about it. And we are many to do this. Anyway I will try to be short.
I am happy you liked Tp. I played my first zelda game with Link's Awakening, and it was a long time I dreamt about it seeing my friend's Zelda 1, then zelda 2, then ALTTP. (Even my mother remembers having played Zelda on Game and watch, but I was too young to remember). Thank you for the hommage you do to L'sA, it's beautiful. Lol for the Penthouse anectdot so you knew this magasine? Me too in france and in 1994 it was the best one, better than Playboy but now I think it doesn't exist anymore if yes tell me. (and I subscribed to internet sites as teenfootclub, Ivanafukalot, Pornstarnetwork, Ftvgirls and Payones). Sorry for this porn parenthesis but It makes me think Nintendo likes feet cause they always do reclams on TV with men and girls with naked feet and they even did Wii fit. Which is played with the feet. The go for the pub.
Then to finish my purpose and return to Zelda, I agree with every letter of your text, without: OOT znt my favourite, and I don't understant why you don't like PH. PH is way better than TWW, and then you don't like it! try to explain me. There are no longs travel in boat, beautiful graphisms equivalent as FF Christal Chronicles DS, (sympathic game), and the maximum capacities of this hardware! I loved 3d graphisms compared to Multimedia Fusion like Games made. (If you know MMF, it is the engine I will work on if I can do more things than Rpg Maker XP, with more gameplay, originality, and at least as well graphisms. ... I liked Nervous brickdown, a french game. Anyway.) For example, Arkanoid DS and NB are "MMF like games created". PH is mostly like a real 3d engine, I think about A7 3D Gamestudio. (German) With their lite-c and c compiler and excellent tutos. And to tell you DS is right for the 3D, play Mario Kart and then please think one time about it.
Just for finish, I LOVED Chrono Trigger, I'm writing a romance in french and it begins like: "When I was seventeen I stole this game in a supermarket and been catch, then now aiam twenty eight I download the rom for my zsnes. Do I still want it free? IF NINTENDO could sell it on the french VC! (as Illusion of time, terranigme, and, and, ... don't matter if it isn't traduced, it will be in the "import" section, *Marvelous*. -Ok I'm sticked at the beginning lol but i will find.
Ok thank you for reading me and see you virtually some times.
PS: Allez Twilink tu signes un Google account ou quoi? Joins toi à nous! viens! Bascule du côté créatif de la Force.
PS: the french words is not an insult, it tells just: "Then Twilink, subscribe to Gmail and post! Come on the creative side of the force". Thank you for playing Mââây gayme! (as says Mario in Galaxy)
ReplyDeleteHey tanks for your input Elf:)
ReplyDeletedidnt think anybodu would read it all:P
its just so nice having somebody who agrees with me..
Now Phantom hourglass.. What i dispised the most was That temple of the ocean king... its just not worth my time and i cant stand it... Now notice the absence of a Magic meter? Zelda 3 and OOT and MM and Wind waker had them.. who couldnt Twilight Princess?.. Liek appretyly they did have one (seen in a picture form some site from the non released game shots) I mean why couldnt they have one? NO magics deff means no light/fire/ice Arrows (yes i know that ALTTP had magic and Silver arrows but still):P
alno man... i think they should just make it a NEW ADVENTURE and not some old crap.. maybe explain The real story behind the master sword... or the real story about some other sh*t.. like they can make a game about that (almost) usless skull kid in the forest in OOT (witch is MM) but they cant make out about real Zelda people and things that were there from the original games..
Im not here to bitch tho like it must be hard creating a Zelda game because of most of its detail..
(O )( O)
But what im mostly looking for is just new areas to explore and just go out on an adventure..
ReplyDeletejust have a big world with alot of detail and stuff...
Like OOT's Kakirio village was great.. but then TP's Village was like a one way road... Same with death mountain.. it was alot better on OOT..
(O )( O)
That thing at the end of your comments are sick, get them out of this forum Paul, please. Not to be rude or anything, but that is a problem that you are posting things like that. So stop it.
ReplyDeleteSo immature... lets just keep the conversation on the topic it was originally on, thank you.
ReplyDeleteBut what he says is pertinent. Personnaly I loved the ambiance in cocorico with this strange gorons, but it is real this is a one only way to go from the entrance to the death mountains. Personnaly a single road Village didn't disturb me, but after it has been to easy in the way to the dungeon and impossible to loose in any labyrinth. That was the interesting thing I had to say today.
ReplyDeleteSee you, mature and immature people. The most important thing is that we love Zelda.
I agree too, that is just the way the games are though. I guess it is just up to Nintendo on how they make their games, but the people should maybe have some say in the game. It is being made for them, so shouldn't they have a word in the gameplay? idk
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately it paints a bad picture when there are some Zelda fans that are immature. We all suffer.
Sorry for being sick..
ReplyDeleteTwilight Princess was shit. Something have to change. Actually Zelda ever have been a realistic game but the bad graphics didnt allow very much of realism. Now since Ocarina of Time the graphics become better but the games are still kindish. My only hope also is Myamotos promise of a "New-Kind-Zelda".
ReplyDeleteDude, twilight princess was okay. It could have been way better, but whatever. I'm hoping for a new kind of zelda game, but just one. I like zelda games the way they are
ReplyDeleteSorry, I can't see the images. I dunno where is the link to the images or where I can see you work.
ReplyDeleteBut I think same like a few fans: A change in the story (medieval) would have negative effects in the serie.
But, in other hand, I accept that now is neccessary. I hope you can answer and see your images.